Monday, 18 October 2010

Still learning...

Well I always find it hard or don't really understand why God put me in these type of situation. Is God teaching me patience and self control or teaching me to discipline with love. I always struggle within myself whether to do certain things. As we all know every action will have a reaction and are we ready to face those circumstances. In fact my whole life I have to face with so many types of people. God is really teaching me to love everyone and it's not easy. It can get physically and spiritually draining. I guess I'm still learning and in the process I do hurt people feelings and of course my own feelings. I'm also learning to tolerate. Although people seldom see me angry but I will snap occasionally after my limit(which I'm not sure what my limit is). The thing that I still question God is how do we discipline with love. The Bible always say to love your neighbour as yourself and even to love your enemies. It's not easy. So if I scold someone does that mean I don't love them? But parents scold us to show that the love them. We get scolded so that it will discipline us, to build up our character. Jesus did scold sometimes but did it with love. I guess I'm still learning and it is so so so so hard. I always feel that if I don't yes to people it means that I'm not learning. But many people has told me that sometimes saying no or 'scolding', doesn't mean that you don't love that person but actually we are, to help build up character.


Raymond Yapp said...

we all are in learning process and i believe "scold" because you care, that why you "scold" me alway xD cheer up bro xD

Jared said...

I believe everyone is in a learning process, the question is whether do you realize it and applying it in the future. Is ok to get angry but for a good purpose or a right motive to improve yourself and the other person cause we are still learning.
Sorry so much if I really put you in such burden.

Anonymous said...
